AGM 2020


Minutes of the ninth Annual General Meeting, held on Monday 17th February 2020
at 2.00 pm in the Wesley Hall


Present Linda Barnes (Chairman), Rosie Stanley (Treasurer), Janet Haire (Publicity), Caroline Dudley (minutes), Lois Cooper, Maxine Cooper, Dorothy Green, John Noyce, and 20 others including Cllrs Gill Kennett (Freshwater Parish Council) and John Howe (Totland Parish Council).


Apologies Andy Bailey, Clive Fleury, John Medland, Pauline Tyrell (Secretary).


Agreement of minutes: February 2019      Max Cooper proposed acceptance of the minutes and John Howe seconded.


1.0 Matters arising

There were no matters arising.


2.0 Welcome

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting saying she was pleased to see so many people there.


3.0 Chairman’s Report (Linda Barnes)

What a year it has been! A rollercoaster ride would describe it quite well!

What is F&T Archive Group? We quietly go about our work of preservation, with pure passion and fascination about the past and present. We are memory keepers. We are fully focused on the community, our community. We preserve the past, we record the present day, to keep for the future. We love nothing more than to see the delight on people’s faces when they look at our images, reminisce on the past, find their friends and families and learn about the history of where they live. Each member of the group has their own individual talents and skills, which when we pull together makes the F&T Archive Group. I am very proud of each and every one of them – throughout the year we have all had personal challenges one way and another, but still pull together as a team.


Brief outline of 2019 Events

February                 FPC Appreciation Evening at Memorial Hall

April                          WI Talk with Janet & myself

September             Launch of F&T Photo competition

Talk on Sand Pictures – Rosemary Cooper, Carisbrooke Castle Museum

November              We moved from the Library to the Memorial Hall

December               Judging Photo Competition

Xmas dinner at Horse & Groom

Presentation of Photo competition

Future 2020

Totland Book completion and marketing

Eric Toogood display

Applying for funding

Wish list

Children’s Archive: involving local children, find interest in their own local area – taking pictures, etc.

Thank you’s (in no particular order)

A big thank you to our wonderful team of Cataloguers – Tony Saunders, Jean Lee, Richard Horton, Amanda McCarthy, Linda London, Robert Hodge, Richard Fenton, Allen Jones, Shirley Fennell, Andy and Maureen Sutton – who have been beavering their way through Eric Toogood’s accessions. It’s been a long journey on this one! I would like to thank the F&T committee: Pauline, Janet, Max, John, Lois, Dorothy, Caroline, Rose and Bill.

A big thank you to Eve for all her help and support throughout the year, with her Co-op Funeralcare hat on – supplying all the tea/coffee for our events. But now she has retired, a free woman, but she still made us a chocolate cake for today – she’s not off the hook yet!

Thank you to the Freshwater Parish Council for giving us a room, storage space, a home where we can meet, where Thursday morning cataloguers can do their job in comfort. Hopefully, we can now apply for funding as we have a more permanent address. Thank you to the Totland Parish Council for their ongoing support and understanding throughout the year. The two Parish Councils are absolutely vital to us.

Thank you to Anne Bamford and Jan Cave, Chairmen of the FPC and TPC, respectively, for helping with the judging of the photo competition – it was not an easy task. Thank you to Mark (Memorial Hall Caretaker), who helped us move from the Library – we were absolutely dreading it! Thank you to Mal Butler, Reporter from the County Press; he has stoically supported us.


4.0 Finance Report (Rose) (see separate sheet)

The Treasurer said that the Group had been lucky to receive two sizeable donations in the past year – one from the Freshwater Parish Council and one from Co-op Funeralcare. The overall profit for the year was £229.45. Not as much money was now being made on the two publications but another one was in the ether. The cost of £75 for British Association for Local History membership covers us for insurance for public events.


5.0 Election of Officers

Chairman, Linda Barnes; Secretary, Pauline Tyrell; Treasurer, Rose Stanley

Janet Haire proposed that all three officers be re-elected en bloc and Gill Kennett seconded this.

Rose thanked the Chairman for all her hard work and for keeping everyone in contact with each other.


6.0 Totland Book Short Talk (Janet)

Janet updated the meeting on progress with the Totland book. She said that a small dedicated group of members were working on producing it. They were currently selecting images. The style of the book would be based on Freshwater Reflections. Many images would be included to make it more interesting. It will be larger than Freshwater Reflections and will cost a bit more but we have not yet finalised costings to work out a sale price. She then gave everyone a taster of questions that would be answered within the pages of the book.


7.0 Any Other Business (LB)

Special Presentation & Thank You

Linda said she had a secret that only she and one other person knew about. She wanted to make a special presentation to a person who has worked tirelessly from day one – and it started 10 years ago! She has vision, she has knowledge, an interest in the past, she has an understanding in the importance of recording the past, present and future. She is the foundation of our group; she is the reason why we are in existence today. With her knowledge and commitment, she has given many people pleasure over the years. Little did she know how far and how big the Freshwater & Totland Archive Group would grow. This presentation is so well deserved.

Unfortunately, family illness prevented Pauline from being at the AGM but Linda would take the special clock, flowers and a large gluten-free cake to her at home.


The business part of the AGM finished at 2.25 pm and the audience then had refreshments and looked at the displays. The meeting concluded after the drawing of the raffle.